Amphibian and Reptile Monitoring Project
Red-legged frog - californiaherps.com
CLERC has created a survey tool to monitor the migration patterns of our local Herptiles! Herpetology is the study of amphibians and reptiles, hence the nickname “Herps”. This includes frogs, toads, salamanders, newts and turtles. With Spring and Fall rains, herps move between their upland overwintering grounds and aquatic breeding grounds, often crossing roads. This journey puts them at high risk of being run over by vehicles.
About Herptile Migration
Twice-a-Year Migrations: Many herps migrate twice a year. In the spring, they leave their overwintering sites where they have been in a state of brumation, a kind of hibernation, and return to their aquatic breeding grounds. In the fall they return to their overwintering sites. Amazingly, they often return to the exact location to overwinter under the same bush or log every year. This means they also cross the road at the same place every year. If we know where they cross, we know their winter homes are near by.
Distances Traveled: Herps can travel a few hundred feet to a quarter mile from water sources.
Western Pond Turtle
How you can help
Rough Skinned Newt
Slow Down While Driving: Herps are small and hard to see. Slow down to improve your ability to see them.
Safely Assist Them: If you see herps crossing the road, pull over safely, put on your hazard lights, and gently move them in the direction they’re heading while keeping them close to the ground.
Important Handling Tips: Avoid using hand sanitizer, lotion, or sunscreen before handling. Amphibians have porous skin, and these products are harmful to them.
Report Sightings: If it is safe to do so please report sighting. These are usually on the damp roads at night.