
The Clear Lake Environmental Research Center serves as a steward for environmental and economic sustainability of Clear Lake, its neighboring lands and waters, local communities and beyond.

Current Events

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CLERC’s Stewardship director Tracy Cline talks to CalFire about our work with the Hometown Wildfire Safety Collaborative and the carbonizer partnership.

Featured Programs

  • Fire and Forestry

    CLERC's Fire and Forestry program strategically coordinates projects for mitigating wildfire impacts, promoting burned area regeneration, and conserving unburned forest areas through comprehensive strategies, collaborating with various stakeholders to ensure resilient fire management and ecosystem integrity.

  • Test tubes and trays

    Analytical Laboratory

    CLERC's specialized water quality testing laboratory at the Carnegie Library in Lakeport, California, conducts precise analysis of drinking water and wastewater samples, contributing to public health by ensuring water safety and integrity for informed decision-making and environmental management.

  • Hogback fuels crew chipping branches

    Community Chipping

    CLERC supports two distinct chipping programs: one in collaboration with the South Lake Fire Safe Council that provides chipping services to the people in the South Lake County Fire Protection District and the other rotating through the other four fire districts within Lake County. The primary aim of these programs is to establish defensible space around essential infrastructure.


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